In February, my teacher told us on the Woodmen of 1. ________,
After the class gave its presentations, my teacher picked 3________,
three to five students to go on to the next level. I am one of 4________,
them! Then the top five from each of the three fifth-grade 5________,
class competed. The top seven would be finalists; again, 6________,
I was one of them! The top seven worked hardly. We had 7_______
one month to practise. March 15 rolled around. After I knew 8________,
it, I was in our school gym with people all around, include 9________,
the judges, listening every word I said. I was the sixth to 10________,
present. I wan soon done. How a relief! I knew the top seven 11________,
got prizes, but I still wanted that honor .After the seven 12________
person finished, the judge made their final decisions. They 13________,
announced winners. The first-place winner was Kelli! I 14________,
finally win first place! 15________,